Payment terminals

We provide a wide range of payment terminals, perfectly tailored to customer needs, to meet the most demanding requirements (technical parameters, location, budget). Thus, you can focus on developing your business and providing the best services for your customers.


The Cash Dispense ATM remains a convenient, trusted self-service channel for consumers. As financial institutions continue their self-service reinvention, ATMs from the NCR SelfServ category will continue to play a key role delivering the omni-channel experience and providing reliable and secure access to cash.

NCR’s terminals from the SelfServ family occupies the world’s first place with over 650,000 units installed around the globe. Our offer includes both the newly released NCR SelfServ family and the models launched in recent years that have proven their quality, reliability and efficiency over time.

With our careful selection of equipments, we aim to be able to meet any requirement of our customers, both to those who focus on acquiring state-of-the-art terminals, but also to those who are primarily seeking to find proven, safe and functional solutions. Thus, the portfolio of products our customers can choose includes, in addition to NCR terminal selection and accessories, WINCOR or DIEBOLD equipment.


Our offer includes PAX equipment, very reliable and solid. With 26 million terminals in operation worldwide, PAX is the world’s third largest producer. The company is considered one of the most innovative in the world.

Our company also has a partnership with NEXGO, the world’s leading POS terminal, with a presence in 70 countries, ranked 5th in the world.

Multifunction terminals

In a world where many of the end customers have high expectations from the latest technologies, multifunction terminals are the solution to always deliver an experience to their expectations. Multifunctional terminals from NCR are the self-service financial experience your customers expect and they will increasingly appreciate using it.

The NCR Multifunction Series includes a premium range of characteristics, both for outdoor or lobby, with retract, deposit and recycling features, currency exchange, bill payments, recharge cards, account statement, PIN change, credit card payments and money transfers.